Friday, January 14, 2011

All In

Hello Poker fans we are sitting at a table of......Oh wait...thats not what I wanted to talk about but the term comes from there..."All In"
In poker we watch players raise and lower their bets based on their hands, and if they have a really good hand, or a really good bluff you may
see them go "ALL IN" Which can be exciting to watch...So lets use that as our jumping point.

In life we watch a lot of people live life on the sidelines, not participating but just going through the motions. Well our walk as Christians can
be much the same. Alot of people, myself included in the past, tend to show up for services and consider that their raised bets, because hey
they showed up! So lets give this some though shall we?

What if...God had created the world and called it done?
What if...Jesus came to earth and decided ..Hey I showed up, good enough!
What if...He had never died for our sins.
What if...He let the devil tempt him as we are so want to do?

The answer...we would all be dead spiritually.

God gave us His son...gave Him to us so that we could still have a way back to Him! Pretty impressive huh?

So I would say if we were using that poker terminology that the stakes are pretty darn high right? We have a good hand being
dealt now that we are Christians...Wouldn't this be the time to go "all in" not just toss in a token bet?

So with that being said. I am going ALL IN. I am not just betting here, I know that with God I have life everlasting...its a sure bet, the easiest
one to make.

What are you waiting for? Come on...push all your chips to the middle and live your life for HIM!


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