Saturday, January 8, 2011

Distracted much?

This week while fasting, I was doing ten things at once and called to order dinner while I was at work. I wasn't paying attention and ordered Steak of all things....I was talking on the phone on the way home and realized what I had done and called and canceled...but still, the thought crosses my mind that I can't believe I forgot for even just a minute. But there we have it...I was distracted and things just slipped away. Now, I did remember before I even picked up the food, canceled and changed my plan, but it could have gone completely differently.

It taught me something that I really needed to think about, and maybe so do you..only you can answer that...Do distractions often take us away from our walk with our Father? Do we get so focused on work, the house, bills, children, friends and THINGS that we forget our true purpose is to seek Him?

I have to admit...I am guilty of that sometimes...I forget to listen for His call, I forget to put Him first. I have been doing so much better about that lately and it is a concentrated effort. Why would we think a relationship with our Heavenly Father is different than any other relationship? We have to put time and effort into it and do things to make Him happy. Now obviously I can't bring Him flowers, I can't buy Him chocolates....but what I can do is keep Him in my heart, follow the things He would have me to do, donate my time and energy to Him and to bringing others to Him.

So, be mindful as you are going about your thoughtful, prayerful...I know I need to be.

What about you? What distractions do you need to be mindful of?


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